The Starr King Open Space Board of Directors is very pleased to announce the election of seven new directors: Jannella Stebner, Daniel Fineman, and Alexander Jones will serve three-year terms, Jennifer Serwer, Julie Schumate, and Christina Quiroz will serve two-year terms, and Kathyjean Boise and returning board members Christa Conforti and Webb Green will serve one-year terms. This will finally establish a staggered system so that in the future only three seats will come up for re-election each year. The current board will continue until we have a transition meeting in the upcoming month, at which point the new board will be installed. Congratulations and welcome to all of our new board members! A heartfelt thank you to everybody who ran for the board, and to all the neighbors who showed up to vote: your engagement and passion is what sustains Starr King Open Space.