This past May during our Annual Meeting & Election we added a new face to our board: meet Siobhan Dolan!
So who is Siobhan? We’ll let her tell you in her own words via her candidate statement:
As a thirteen-year resident of San Francisco across a half dozen neighborhoods, the warm welcome Starr King Open Space offered me two and a half years ago when I became a newly home-owning resident on Potrero Hill’s Southern slopes stands out in a city with many wonderful neighborhood spaces. SKOS truly embodies the spirit of our neighborhood.
This sort of magic is not effortless however, and I look forward to contributing to the underlying administrative projects that keep this space open, natural, and community-defined. My professional experience in IT and software development includes 7 years in the nonprofit sector at an organization facilitating organ donation, 2 years in government at the USCG, and 3 in the private sector at companies in employment law and finance. I’ve worked within many different regulatory frameworks and can easily adapt to the requirements of the board’s bylines and standard practices. I happily offer my technical skills to help build, modernize or automate any internal tools the board uses to manage their processes. I’m always happy to offer my unskilled labor for planting and weeding efforts, or take on other tasks as needed.
In San Francisco, I’ve previously volunteered at the Hyde Street Pier National Historic Park and the Strybing Arboretum in Golden Gate Park. Within our community, I’ve volunteered with Unite Potrero as an assistant organizer of their community clean-up and BBQ. I’m also a hobby gardener with a plot at the 25th and De Haro Community Garden. I look forward to contributing to the magic of SKOS and our neighborhood.
We’re excited to have Siobhan on our board; feel free to say “hi” if you see her atop our beautiful open space!